
Reiki improves your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.

After your treatment and will feel relaxed, peaceful, balanced and focused.

Your energy levels will improve over the days that follow.

Choose your pamper package

Reiki + Crystal Healing + Relaxation Back Massage

$90 - please allow 1hr 30min

A unique blend of gentle relaxation back massage combined with the healing energy of Reiki and crystals.

The relaxation back massage helps you to relax during your healing session. I use a soft, gentle massage technique that allows you to drift away and connect to the silence within.

When you choose a bag of crystals, it may represent something that could be happening in your life. They are here to help Support and Guide you on your healing journey. Each bag represents something different. It's always a surprise.

Reiki Healing + Chakra Balancing with Crystals

$90 - please allow 1hr 30min

Perfect if you are more interested in just having a more traditional healing session.

These sessions are very effective in removing blockages, re-balancing your chakras and cleansing your aura.

I still perform the session through the back but there is no massage and you are fully clothed.


These are the most common questions I am asked by clients. If you would like more information please reach out and contact me. We can have a chat about how to embrace your healing journey.

  • Reiki is a gentle non-invasive form of energy healing. It works by restoring the balance of the energy within your body, which can help to alleviate stress, reduce pain, and promote overall wellness from within.

  • Your Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and rebalances the flow of the universal life force around the body. This can stimulate the body’s immune system and natural healing abilities. Normally the body will begin by cleansing itself of toxins and negative energy. As the poisons are removed, the body becomes rebalanced and the healing process can begin.

  • A typical Reiki healing session involves you lying fully clothed on my massage table face down, this is how I prefer to work but most other practitioners work with you facing up. Either way works. In my healing sessions I will place my hands briefly on your chakras  to identify where there could be potential blockages within your system. It’s important to note that everyone has their own method of applying a Reiki healing.

    Once I have established where I need to work I will proceed to apply the Reiki energy to these places for as long as required. Once this has been done I do another sweep of your chakras just to make sure the identified areas of concern have been addressed and that any other areas are all good. If there are any further blockages can simply go back and address them right away. My healing sessions generally last between 45 - 60 minutes. 

    I do offer a Reiki healing and relaxation back massage. These sessions last for approximately 60 mins. A Reiki healing session that incorporates a relaxation back massage is a great way to help you relax into the session. This is really my pamper session and afterwards you should feel relaxed and have a sense of calmness. It’s also a very gentle introduction to Reiki healing sessions.

    I recommend these for your first visit as the traditional healing sessions are very intense and really  there for those who are really serious and ready to start their healing journey.

    Remember all forms of Reiki healing are gentle and safe.

  • When you come to me for a healing session for the first time, ideally it is beneficial for you to come back for a second session in about four weeks. From there we can discuss what course of action to take. I encourage everyone to take control of their own healing journey and this means figuring out how often you need to go and have a healing session. In my experience having 2 sessions four weeks apart gives you time to really determine what’s going on in your world and where and how you wish to navigate it while incorporating Reiki healing. If for some reason you require to come earlier then that’s fine also. This is a good way to step into taking control of your life!

  • Had my first session with Kim today and absolutely loved it. I will definitely be back!

    Chauney Reid

  • Kim is the perfect person to go to for that Reiki fix. Such an amazing healer, and such a beautiful space.

    Brittany Dakin

  • First time was today and wow I am hooked. Kim is an amazing healer and really has your best interests at heart. I felt completely comfortable, heard and cared for.

    Jamie Lewin

Discover the healing magic of Reiki

To book a treatment contact Kim on 021 684 000 or send her a message using the link below.